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Your product selection from Alchemy Ranch LLC

Prime cut variety package

$150.00 per package

2-boneless ribeye, 2-New York Strip Steak , 2-boneless Sirloin Steak, 1-London Broil, 1-bar of soap

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About Alchemy Ranch LLC

My name is David Straight, owner of Alchemy Ranch. As a chemist in the pharmaceutical industry, I had the fortunate opportunity to work in Germany for almost a year, 1999-2000. My wife and I learned how to communicate (well enough) with the farmers at the markets to buy our food. The flavor of the meat, eggs, milk, cheeses and produce were remarkably better than we had ever tasted in the USA. The difference was we were no longer eating commercially raised proteins fed GMO soy and corn based feed with daily doses of antibiotics and medicines. The produce was not chemically treated. The passion of the generational farmers and ranchers we met was infectious. That experience set in motion a desire to eat healthier proteins and produce. Upon our return to the USA we knew something was eventually going to have to change in our diet and our lives. We could not find anyone local with a pasture raised, soy free, non-GMO feeding protocol. So the foundation of Alchemy Ranch began to form with veterinary guidance and mentors in the cattle and pork industry. Collectively, they shook their heads and thought we were pursuing an unattainable goal to bring our products affordably to our community. Our response was that we cannot afford not to! What people are eating and their environment does effect their health and well being. We use sustainable practices including solar power and rotational Silvopasture grazing. All feed is soy free, non-GMO and NC custom milled. Science is confirming that responsible, ethnically based farmers and ranchers are improving the environment. The health and welfare of our animals directly effects ours. We are honored and grateful for the opportunity to care for them. Alchemy Ranch is small by design, raising what we can manage and keep product moving through the community at a steady pace. We raise beef, pork, rabbit, lamb and eggs. We sincerely hope you will enjoy your food and that it nourishes you and your family in every way. We have a bi-monthly Alchemy Friday Market at Tidal Creek Coop from 11-2 in Wilmington, NC. The next morning we participate in the Riverfront Farmers Market downtown Wilmington, NC from 8-1. Contact us with your email and we will keep you updated on inventory, participating markets and delivery schedule. Tidal Creek also stocks Alchemy Ranch products. You can find our products at Buie’s Market in Winston Salem. Pick up from the ranch and local Triad/Triangle Delivery is available! The newest addition to our inventory is handcrafted soap in Vegan, Beef Tallow, Sheep Tallow and Pork Lard varieties. $4 a bar or 4-bars for $15. For all product inventory, price list, specials, participating markets or delivery schedule please call, text or email. 910-231-3830


Alchemy Ranch LLC

Mount Airy, NC 27030

More products from Alchemy Ranch LLC

Prime cut variety package

$150.00 per package

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2-boneless ribeye, 2-New York Strip Steak , 2-boneless Sirloin Steak, 1-London Broil, 1-bar of soap

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Beef, Pork & Lamb $100 Variety package

$100.00 per package

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3-ground beef, 1-stew meat cubes,1-beef cubed steak, 2-sausage (your choice), 2-BBQ Pork, 1-ground lamb, 1-bar of soap

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Beef & Pork $75 Variety package

$75.00 per package

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2-ground beef, 1-stew beef cubes, 1-beef cubed steak, 2-BBQ Pork, 2-sausage (your choice), 1-bar of soap

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Beef & Pork $60 Variety package

$60.00 per package

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2-ground beef, 1-stew beef cubes, 1-beef cubed steak, 1-pork sausage (your choice), 1-BBQ Pork, 1- bar of soap

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